Jason was not blessed with good genes.
He was overweight his entire life. He tried dozens of diets and nearly anything you could think of… yet continued to gain weight year after year.
Eventually he was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (AKA “broken metabolism”) along with erratic blood sugar and blood pressure, and severe inflammation.
He felt ashamed of his body...
Feeling disgusted every time he put on clothes because they were always too tight...
Hiding behind layers of self-doubt, lack of confidence, and shame as he looked in the mirror at his saggy, aging body...
Quickly giving up and accepting that he would always look this way regardless of what he tried.
These researchers had an interesting theory they were trying to prove.
It was a gamble, but it would change the world of dieting and nutrition forever if they succeeded.
So for 23 weeks they worked with him, monitoring dozens of chemical and hormonal markers to see how his body was changing as he followed their protocol.
And after 23 weeks...
An astonishing 113.1 pounds lost...
And brought his inflammation, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels into ranges he could be happy about...
When they discovered what happened to Jason...
Other researchers around the world began testing it themselves to see if it was really true.
And what happened next was absolutely miraculous. Study after study began showing that this could be...
But even more exciting is how this new weight loss strategy helps you...
And on this page, I’ll explain exactly what it is and how you can use it for yourself today.
In fact on this page you’ll see dozens of real-world clinical studies showing you...
... and so much more.
I’ll explain how it all works and why it’s rewriting the rules of weight loss in just a moment.
But before I do that...
My name is Jeremy and I’m just a regular guy from Pennsylvania who accidentally stumbled upon this little-known secret buried in research journals...
That’s now changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world.
Like Jason, I was not born with “skinny genes”. I’ve spent nearly my entire life with an extra 20-40 pounds hanging around my belly.
Even as a young boy I was pudgy, always overweight compared to my friends.
I can’t tell you how many friends I had that ate pizza almost daily...
Ate desserts like they were afraid they’d never get them again...
Even worse was how my body stayed the same even though I was active all the time...
I ran a bazillion miles playing soccer after school... I started lifting weights... And I even started boxing because it burns a lot of calories...
Yet I was still embarrassed to take my shirt off in public.
In fact I was so self conscious that I couldn’t be intimate with my wife with the lights on. I would sneak away to turn the lights off before we started because I was embarrassed she’d look at me and feel turned off.
And unfortunately this continued far after high school up until the day I discovered this secret I’m about to share with you.
Because at my worst, I clocked in at 200+ pounds (at only 5'9), my face looked puffy and swollen, and my confidence was non-existent...
After discovering this fat-burning secret I now weigh 165 pounds while enjoying my favorite foods and confidence through the roof!
But the best part is NOT that I’m finally able to feel comfortable in my own skin...
In other words, I can enjoy a body I love without food controlling my life.
So how did I experience a breakthrough while most keep suffering?
To explain, let me start with a question...
Dieting is getting more and more confusing by the day.
Every time you watch the news there’s a new diet, including...
And so many more...
Why is that?
What researchers have discovered is that for the vast majority of people who are currently overweight and have tried multiple diets with no results...
It’s actually because your body is absorbing a MUCH higher percentage of calories compared to those who are lean.
Specifically calories from fat.
If you’re like most people you probably feel like food “sticks to your hips by just looking at it”.
And while we might crack jokes about it...
It’s actually much closer to the truth than you think.
It’s a serum hormone directly involved in regulating fat metabolism. It actually prevents fat from being absorbed by your body.
Instead it allows the fat to move through your bowels without being digested... so you quite literally “poop out the fat”.
This one crucial fat-burning gene is why some people can be “naturally lean” and enjoy their favorite foods without gaining an ounce (because they’re literally pooping out the fat they’re eating!)...
Yet people like us struggle with weight our entire lives.
Now here’s the GOOD news...
There’s actually a very simple, quick way to increase your levels of ANGPTL4 so you poop out more of the fat you’re eating and therefore lose weight...
And I’ll explain how to do just that in a moment...
But the BEST news is that...
You’re probably not even aware this fat-blocking protein is switched off.
And because it’s not active… The truth is you’re probably already doing a lot of things right...
But if your current diet isn’t working even though you’re doing everything right...
This finally explains why.
But what’s truly exciting about this is that...
The specific diet you follow doesn’t really matter once this fat-burning protein is activated.
Because your body gets reprogrammed for fat loss from the inside out regardless of how much or what you eat.
So now the question becomes...
Funnily enough, this all comes back around to the breakthrough research study I mentioned at the very beginning of this letter.
You see, what researchers discovered is that the true secret to a lifelong lean body doesn’t matter what diet you’re on... or how much exercise you do...
It all has to do with the bacteria inside your gut.
You see, they discovered that your gut bacteria control how your entire body digests food...
Which makes sense considering you have trillions of bacteria that break down and digest your food.
But what’s truly astonishing is the fact that there are...
that PROMOTE fat storage (found in these who are overweight) by:
that PREVENT fat storage (found in those who are lean) by:
I’ll explain how ALL this works...
And of course give you real, scientific proof from today’s leading research universities...
But first let’s get back to Jason.
You see, the researchers in this study knew about good and bad bacteria by studies they’d done on mice. However they wanted to make sure it worked the same way with humans.
So they put together a study to measure the levels of certain good and bad bacteria in humans to see if it affected their weight like it did in mice.
Jason, our heroic volunteer, was one of their obese volunteers.
He had an abundance of one specific “bad” bacteria in his gut called Lipopolysaccharide endotoxin.
In fact, he had 35% more of this one bacteria than anyone else...
And as soon as they got rid of this bacteria...
Researchers were absolutely astonished.
So they decided to reverse the experiment and give that same “bad” bacteria to a group of healthy mice...
And they GAINED 46.87% MORE FAT than others on the same diet but without the bad bacteria!
That got scientists excited and was the beginning of this extraordinary fat-loss breakthrough.
But as scientists do, they needed to confirm their hypothesis by having researchers from all over the world repeat this experiment.
So they performed countless experiments...
And over several years discovered exactly what bacteria promotes fat storage, and what bacteria prevents fat storage.
And what they discovered was absolutely fascinating...
I know that sounds crazy...
But it’s true.
In a study done by Mayo Clinic, one of the most respected academic medical centers in the country...
Which sounds unfair to me...
Because you can follow the EXACT same diet and exercise program as someone else...
Sacrificing all your favorite foods and working out every day...
Yet they lose 427% more weight than you while sitting on the couch eating chips and ice cream.
It’s NOT fair...
But that’s what’s happening when you don’t have the right fat-burning bacteria inside your gut.
And there are many more studies all proving...
Here are a few more...
There are MANY more including articles and studies from today’s most respected scientists and news outlets...
In fact, if you search for “Weight Loss Bacteria” on PubMed, you’ll find a massive log of 7,377 research studies on this topic!
But here’s the fascinating part...
Let me introduce you to the fat loss gang of healthy bacteria.
We’ll start with my favorite probiotic strain, which...
I don’t know about you, but I hate “belly bulge”...
I hate sucking in my stomach when I’m around friends...
And I hate the way my pants dig into my belly.
That’s why I was so excited when I first discovered Lactobacillus gasseri.
In one study, it helped normal people drop an incredible 8.5% of belly fat in just 12 weeks...
While those in the control group saw no significant changes.
For a 160-pound person, that’s about 13.6 pounds. Think about that for a moment...
While most people are destroying their energy levels by skipping meals...
And churning out mind-numbing cardio sessions to trim that kind of weight (and that’s if they’re lucky)...
The study volunteers taking L. gasseri dumped a whopping 8.5% of their belly fat, effortlessly.
And if you’re thinking maybe this was a “lucky chance”, think again.
L. gasseri blocked the absorption of dietary fat and SHRUNK fat cells by 28%...
Not in months...
But in FOUR short weeks!
That means your biome literally switches on your body’s own internal fat-burning switch.
The fact is...
And that’s just the first one.
Next I’d like to introduce you to the probiotic hero, which helps you...
If you’re like me, you probably gain weight after you finish a diet.
So while you might lose weight and feel great about yourself...
The second you go back to eating normal, the pounds come right back. And many times you end up heavier than you started.
That’s why you’re gonna love, Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
During a 2014 trial, those taking this probiotic lost a whopping 120% more fat than the placebo group.
In fact, they DOUBLED their results with this single probiotic (and it's just one of six potent fat-reducing probiotic strains.)
The truth is both of these master probiotics are a godsend for helping people struggling to feel comfortable in their own skin...
But if you’re like me, you also want a stomach that digests food like a CHAMP.
If so you’ll love this next probiotic strain because it...
Lactobacillus Plantarum is naturally found in probiotic-rich foods. Like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and similar types of fermented foods.
It occurs naturally in your body, but most people run low because they’re not eating enough fermented foods.
And that’s a shame because...
But what I really love about L. Plantarum...
Is that it helps your body produce conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which blocks the formation of fat cells.
CLA is a powerful fat-blocker commonly used by people getting into modeling competitions. They know they can rely on it to help them get in competition-ready shape. Whether or not you’re trying to get your body THAT lean, it works like crazy.
Even better is that L. Plantarum helps your body produce its own CLA, so you don’t have to buy it separately.
And it works synergistically with the next probiotic, which helps you...
Imagine while you’re snacking on your “sin food” that something tells you to stop eating.
Wouldn’t that make achieving a body you love a whole lot easier?
Of course!
And what if you could also unconsciously retrain your body to store less fat...
Without exercise or picking up a salad fork?
Wouldn’t that “supercharge” your results in a fraction of the time?
While reducing fat storage is a great way to help you love how you look in the mirror...
Many people don’t realize that the longer food stays in your system, the more calories you absorb.
That’s why I was so excited when I found a probiotic strain which...
Bifidobacterium animalis is our next weight-specific probiotic that scientists clearly find more in people who are lean.
And they’ve discovered that B Animalis works in a very unusual way.
Rather than burning fat, or blocking fat, like many of the other probiotics do...
Studies have shown that B. animalis helps food move through your system up to 33% faster.
What does that mean?
It means you poop more often which reduces belly bloat and makes you feel lighter...
And it means you’re absorbing less calories since that food stays in your system for less time.
And that brings us to the next and final probiotic on my list of “must-haves” which...
The final probiotic I want to show you is called Bifidobacterium breve (B-3) and it has a unique way of blocking fat.
To explain this one, I want you to remember back to what I told you about Jason earlier in this letter.
Remember how he had 35% more Lipopolysaccharide endotoxin in his system...
And how he lost 113 pounds when they removed it?
Well when you eat fat-rich foods like pizza...
Your body automatically releases lipopolysaccharides (LPS).
If too much is created, it enters your bloodstream and forces you to store excess nutrients as fat cells.
But here’s the exciting part...
On top of that...
It helps shrink fat cells by telling the body to produce more CLA, which is yet another powerful fat-blocker naturally produced by your body...
And studies have shown it also helps reduce visceral fat, which is the dangerous fat that lives around your organs.
So B. breve can trim your waistline, flatten your belly, and improve your overall health from the inside out.
Now unless you love “geeking out” on medical science like me...
This is probably not something you’d spend researching in your free time.
But I was so excited about what I had stumbled upon...
For the first time, I could see a solution to help me feel comfortable no matter what I wear right in front of my eyes...
In fact, I was so excited to go out and find a product that contained the specific weight-loss-boosting strains of probiotics I just mentioned...
Which is why it broke my heart when I discovered...
I spent the next few days trying to find something that fit my criteria.
But I came up empty-handed everywhere I looked...
The problem is, there are a lot of probiotics out there...
And many of them are very good “traditional” probiotics for gut health...
But they’re NOT specifically formulated to help you lose weight.
I found some products with the right ingredients, but they weren’t effective because they didn’t have nearly enough CFUs (colony forming units - which is how many bacteria are in the formula)...
I found others with enough CFUs, but not the right ingredients needed to create a lasting effect...
And very few of them were using the correct capsules which could survive stomach acid.
After searching for weeks, I was frustrated and annoyed.
Until I was out for a walk, trying to clear my head after a stressful day.
As I crossed a street to get onto my normal route, an idea hit me out of the blue...
I should just create my own product for myself!
For the rest of the walk, I thought about exactly how I would do it.
I’d already done tons of research and had the vision for it in my head. I knew exactly what strains I wanted to use, exactly what it would help, and why I wanted to make it.
But then I ran into a problem.
I didn’t know HOW to actually create a product like this!
Luckily, a good friend of mine worked at a nutritional manufacturing company.
And he introduced me to a formulator who has created literally hundreds of nutritional products.
He knew exactly where to source the ingredients, what quantities they needed to be in for the best results, and what capsule would keep them safe from your stomach acid.
In other words… he was able to create exactly what I envisioned in my head.
After MONTHS of research, late nights, and tens of thousands of dollars invested, I’d like to introduce you to...
Everlean is a unique blend of 6 weight-friendly probiotics that helps block cravings, absorb less fat, shrink belly bloat, deflate fat cells, and block new fat cells from forming. That way you can enjoy a naturally lean and sexy body with the pain and frustration of typical diets and exercise programs.
And because of the unique way it works...
It actually supercharges any other diet, exercise program, and/or supplements you’re currently taking to lose weight!
It’s specifically for...
But what’s really special about Everlean is the fact that...
There are a million weight loss solutions out there today.
The problem is, they all focus on external factors that are hard to control. They force you to follow strict diets, intense workout programs, and eating programs that are impossible to follow if you have any kind of life.
Plus they make you miserable because you hate every second of it.
All without needing to follow some crazy, restricting, hard-to-follow diet program or torturing yourself with brutal workouts.
As you can see...
This is the most simple, effective weight management strategy scientists have discovered...
I'm in my 50's now and have always wished I could get my bloating under control. I've been hearing about how your microbiome affects health so I was excited to find Everlean. I started taking it along with a super simple diet and workout plan, and am already down 2 dress sizes right off the bat. I'm a customer for life!
April Watts
I've struggled with my weight for most of my life, but it got really hard once I hit my late 30's/early 40's. On top of that, I noticed that I started feeling more bloated. Like my digestion just wasn't working as good and I was sensitive to more foods. I love Everlean because it not only helps my weight, but ALSO reduces bloating which makes me FEEL (and look) more lean. I highly recommend it to anyone suffering from similar issues!
Tim Oyler
I've always struggled with my weight. It seems like the second I go off a perfect diet, it just sticks to me. I've tried EVERYTHING with limited (usually no) results. Everlean is working like crazy for me. I noticed a difference in the first week, and the longer I'm taking it, the better results I'm getting. Love it!
Adam Miller
By now you’re probably wondering...
In short, I put all the right amounts of all the ingredients we’ve talked about on this page.
It contains the 6 most powerful probiotic strains specifically shown to help control your fat absorption, cravings, insulin sensitivity, and much more. This includes...
To help reduce belly fat and shrink fat cells by up to 28% by blocking the absorption of dietary fat
To reduce hunger, block cravings, deflate fat cells, and support healthy blood sugar levels
To reduce the formation of fat cells by helping you produce more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fat-blocker naturally produced in the body
Which helps prevent “unconscious snacking” by keeping you feeling full longer. It helps your body store less fat by modifying fat regulator gene, ANGPTL4
So you absorb fewer calories by decreasing the time food stays in your system by up to 33%
To shield you from the harmful effects of fatty foods so you can look leaner even if you accidentally overeat
But that’s not all...
You may have heard that most probiotics can’t survive your stomach acid.
That’s because your stomach acid is so acidic, it kills them before they reach your small intestine where they can go to work and do their magic.
This is why most probiotics don’t work for most people. It’s not that the probiotics themselves don’t work, it’s that they’re not being packaged properly.
That gives them plenty of time to make it past your stomach acid and into your small intestine, where they can go to work and deliver the incredible benefits they have to offer.
These capsules are obviously expensive to produce. I believe they’re THE best probiotic-delivery capsules on the market today. But I want to make sure you’re getting a product that truly does what it says it will.
In fact, we receive a certificate of analysis for each specific batch of Everlean that our manufacturer creates. This PROVES that you’re getting what you say you’re getting. It shows exactly how many active probiotics are inside Everlean so you can rest assured that you’re getting what we say you’re getting.
And as if that wasn’t enough, we added one more ingredient to make sure you get the best results possible.
You see, while the probiotics inside Everlean help you slim down in 5 unique ways, they don’t do anything to boost your metabolism.
That’s why we also added a gentle metabolism-booster that’s safe, trusted, and proven to work.
It allows you to...
It’s no secret your body struggles to burn fat as you age. Like most things, your metabolism naturally gets worn and tired the older you become. That’s why most people tend to “gain weight just by looking at food” once they hit 35 or 40.
The problem is, most metabolism-boosters contain stimulants like caffeine, ephedra, and guarana. Which can often make your heart feel like it’s about to leap out of your chest.
That’s why I added green tea extract to this formula.
Scientists have shown it contains a unique polyphenol, known as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)...
And the phytonutrient catechin, both shown to stimulate your metabolism.
These micronutrients, and the fact that it contains just 2.8mg caffeine per serving (a chocolate bar has 70mg) are what make Green tea extract a safe, effective metabolism booster.
Plus you’ll also be glad to know...
We just think it’s fair that you feel confident about Everlean and that it does everything we say it will.
Which is why you should know that...
It takes LOTS of work and money to make sure we’re going above and beyond “ acceptable standards”.
But I believe in creating the most effective product possible...
Because I want you to get the BEST results possible!
Now I’ll show you how to get your supply in just a second but before I do, I want to answer a question I get from many of our customers.
That question is...
Taking Everlean is VERY simple.
You just take one capsule each day on an empty stomach, in the morning or at night before bed.
That’s it!
No crazy diets that ruin your social life. No stimulants that make your heart feel like it’s popping out of your chest. No workouts that leave you exhausted.
Just 1 single pill each day.
From the first day you pop a capsule in your mouth..
You begin killing off the bacteria holding your fat-gene hostage.
And the longer you use it the more...
Now, that’s what some people do, and it works great...
When it comes to gut health, there are two things that most people don’t know...
That’s why I came up with something called the “90 Day Gut Restore Challenge”. It helps those who are struggling with diets that don’t work and who want to finally feel comfortable in their own skin.
Here’s how the challenge works...
In the first month, you'll take one serving per day to begin rebalancing your gut biome. Most people notice less bloating, a flatter belly, more energy, and your pants becoming noticeably looser.
In the second month, you'll begin taking two servings per day. This is when fat-burning revs up, cravings and hunger begin to fade away, and you start to feel more energized.
In the final month, you'll increase to three servings per day. You'll enjoy more of the foods you love guilt-free, a faster metabolism, and compliments about your slimmer appearance.
And that's it!
It uses 6 bottles in a 90 day period... which is why I'm willing to give you TWO free bottles when you commit to the challenge and order FOUR bottles.
Then when you finish the 90-day challenge, you simply take a maintenance dose of one capsule per day to continue seeing results.
I also recommend it so you have more than enough to last you because...
Demand for Everlean has skyrocketed since we released it to the public...
Customers are reordering at a rapid pace after seeing a transformation in the first few weeks...
Word is spreading that there’s finally a safe, effective way to enjoy a healthy, lean body without stimulants or other weird dieting techniques...
Plus we’re dealing with horrible supply chain issues because of the pandemic...
Which means we’re constantly just moments away from being out of stock.
Unfortunately if we run out, it means you’d need to wait up to 10-12 weeks to get your supply...
And I’d hate to see you get amazing results in the first 30-60 days...
And then not be able to get any more.
Now thankfully, as long as you don’t see a “sold out” image in the ordering options section below, it means we currently have Everlean in stock. But this changes on a daily basis so make sure you stock up now while you still can.
Of course you don’t absolutely need to stock up with our 6-month supply today, but it just makes logical sense to do so.
Regardless, you can feel confident with your order today because...
Let me ask you this...
Why should you keep sacrificing your social life, your favorite foods, even time with your family...
With no results for your hard work and discipline?
And why should the fear of your clothes getting tighter and tighter keep haunting you day after day?
This is exactly what I want to help you avoid.
I want you to experience the thrill of slipping on your favorite t-shirt or pair of jeans and they fit perfectly.
I want you to experience that amazing feeling on a daily basis. You should know what it’s like to live in a body you truly love. And you should NOT starve yourself or “workout until you drop” to maintain it.
That’s why I want to give you 6 months to try Everlean. That way you can give it a fair test and prove to yourself it works for you, before you risk a single penny.
I don’t want you to pay a dime unless you SEE and FEEL what happens when your gut has the genetically gifted biome of a skinny person.
If for any reason, or not reason at all you feel this is not for you, simply send us an email and I’ll be more than happy to give you a 100% money-back refund.
At the end of the day I want to make sure this is a no-brainer for you becaus the fact is...
This might sound weird...
But losing weight isn’t the real goal here.
The real goal is regaining confidence.
There’s no better feeling than slipping into a tight shirt or a gorgeous dress and feeling GOOD about yourself.
Conversely there’s no worse feeling than looking at your mirror and feeling fat and gross.
Right now, you have a choice...
Or you can decide to believe in yourself that you can make this happen.
They say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Well this is your first step.
Make a commitment to yourself today by getting enough supply to last you several months. Then watch as the weight melts off and your confidence soars.
Remember, your purchase is backed by our 6 month, 100% money-back guarantee, so you might as well go ahead and stock up now.
1 bottle
4+2 bottles
3 bottles
Prefer to order via phone?
Call (877) 977-7774
and press 1 for sales.
EverLean is a unique weight-loss-specific probiotic. It was formulated with unique strains of friendly bacteria shown to help re-establish the proper gut bacteria which control your weight. It’s made using the right amounts of the right ingredients in a capsule that bypasses your stomach acid to ensure survivability. Plus we’ve added EGCG to boost your metabolism and help release extra fat from your fat cells!
Here’s a list of the actual label so you can see everything in exact detail :)
I recommend taking EverLean each morning before breakfast (most take it with their coffee/tea). Since your stomach isn’t making much acid when it’s empty, it allows the probiotic to get through your stomach faster than if you take it with food. You can also mix it with a small amount of baking soda, which temporarily neutralizes stomach acid.
Note that you may increase dosage to experience faster results. We’ll provide full instructions upon purchase explaining exactly how to do this.
This is different for everyone. Establishing a healthy gut bacteria doesn’t happen overnight. Some people begin to see results within the first week, most within the first 30 days. You may speed up results by increasing dosage and combining EverLean with a regular exercise routine and proper diet.
EverLean is sourced from the highest possible ingredients which are rigorously tested for purity and potency in state of the art facilities. It is manufactured in the USA and GMP certified using safe ingredients.
However, individuals who have been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) should consult their doctor on taking pre or probiotics. If you are concerned about EverLean interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.
No. It's stimulant-free :)
Probiotics are considered very safe, especially when it comes to allergies. It is also free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives, gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it is manufactured in a facility that also processes milk, eggs, wheat, and soy. If you have any concerns, please consult with your physician.
We will ship your order directly to your home or office using FedEx or UPS. Customers in the United States and Canada can expect their orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 to 15 business days (plus customs clearance times).
Of course! We use a 256-bit secure ordering server where 100% of your data is encrypted, safe, and secure. Our secure shopping cart is verified by numerous 3rd-party security verification systems, including McAfee Secure, the leader in security scanning. So, you can rest assured that your information is 100% safe and secure at all times.